i know everything.
i understand everything.
i know what people think.
the mistakes they make.
i know why they make those mistakes.
the way they feel unnecessary complications.
i know how people think about other people.
i know why people hate things and love things.
i know how they work.
and recently i have been speaking alot of the truth.
its not that i used to lie before, but i never spoke at all.
now i do.
it leaves me with a feeling that i cannot explain.
when you speak the complete detailed truth, its just more easier for people to understand the way you work and that everyone feels and thinks about alot of things in the same way but they never discuss these things.
like trivial things as well..
for instance,when i feel thirsty, i go to the kitchen and stand in front of the all the plastic bottles filled with water, and i choose one which is half-filled and which is of a considerably smaller size than the others, so that it would not be very heavy, so it will be easier for me to drink, because i drink straight from the bottle, i do not pour it into a glass and i'm pretty sure, most of you'll do the same..
things like that.
you know.
i talk in this manner with Apurva and vice versa.
its like we understand the need for not wanting to do certain things at times.
like when we're talking on the phone for a long time and i feel like hanging up suddenly without any reason at all, i would just say "Apurva, im hanging up. Bye" and she says "Ok."
she doesnt ask me "why?" or "what happened?" or "huh?", and the other way round as well.
so people just have to understand that other people feel the same way as they do but at different times.
like the post i just wrote, its so messy, and im not happy with it, but i really dont give a shit because its the truth and its there for everyone to read and i know you know it as well, you just have to let it out and trust me, you'll feel lighter.