Sunday, July 06, 2008

I feel like writing only sometimes these days. I get this sudden urge to write but since i dont like writing on paper so i have to switch the pc on and wait for it start properly and then click the 'start' button, then go to 'programs', then go to 'microsoft office' then find "word" amongst all the others and then click it, and wait for the page to open, and then the cursor and then start writing, and by then, the urge has disappeared behind an urge to perhaps eat something or lie flat on my back and think of a million things that need to be done that afternoon or evening or night or the next day or next Thursday or maybe in years or so. It's all Laziness. I am generally a pretty lazy person, but these days its becoming a bit too much. I dont feel like doing anything at all apart from sitting with my back against something and doodling or drinking something hot or just staring at something constant.
Well, i'm in college now and i dont have anything more to ask for to the people who give you things, as in, wishes and all because i'm quite happy and that's something.

The air all around is smoke, not filled with smoke, it IS smoke.
My lungs are going to die in a year or two, but its not my fault.

So this college i go to, it's pretty awesome and i wanted to get in there since the time i first realized that i too have to go to college one day, and now i go to it.
There are alot of different kinds of people who go there as well. They're all nice, i guess.
The teachers are also pretty cool. The seniors are nice, so is the coffee.

I've been there for a week.
I' lazy.
you know what that means.

5 comments: said...

Comp Lit, isn't it? You haven't been in touch at all so I kept checking your blog for a post, and here it is!

Xiamaze, you should know I love you for the way you are, creative, talented, a bit askew in the head . . . keep updating.

sunrise said...

Oh rupsha.
This before-college, after-high school inactivity is KILLING me.

Anonymous said...

Well, this laziness as u call it is called lyad in ju and i had warned you before that you would be affected by it. So listen and pay heed to what i say.

deluded said...

maybe you're tired
or depressed
or maybe just canadian.....right?

Xiamaze said...

i'm sorry but no.