Trying to reach the apogee of all things is what is expected, but i dont know why.It is really ineffable, this... that i have now.
It is like a simple palindrome, read by all, stashed away, and tattered, forgotten, presumably lost.It is like a farrago of callow emotions which have no say.
There was once a stage when i had to make a Hobson's choice, but now the choices no longer exist as I was told "life is nothing but a long journey".... but i thought that someone had forgotten to mention the word "wayworn".
These booboisies play with only gimcracks and tattoo smiles of confidence on their faces to shadow their true visages which are like those of buskers on the vociferous streets, playing their talent on cobblestone paths full of dirt like themselves, for pennies to make a living.
I'de be one of those street dwellers, strumming a tune on a battered guitar, walking the scorching lanes bare-footted with the back of my neck sun burnt...
And they are only supercilious fops.
[Painting by Atelier Johanna]
pat on the back, rupsha.
this is really good.
what's a farrago?
"farrago" means "medley"
this is really nice.i love the feel of this post..and the end part is nice.
but i dnt know the meaning of the following words:-
Hobson's choice(what is this?)
supercilious fops
1)ineffable means inexpressable
2)callow means immature
3)hobson's choice means without an alternative
4)wayworn means weary by travel.
5)supercilious means arrogant
6)fops means peopl who are very conscious and vain about their clothings.
i missed booboises and buskers
7)booboises means a class of stupid people
8)buskers are street musicians.
look up the dictionary!
ohhhhh.....Thank you for increasing my vocabulary.
very enlightening... in more ways than one
what happened to ross?
im supposed to be doing my bio project now.
then do ur bio project.
ross will come when he has to.
your vocabulary is amazing! love this post.... it has so much meaning =)
i need a new blog
yeah....finally u realise.
who are you?
its snigdha.
i dont understand a word of this.
and i'm too lazy to get the dictionary. WHAT THEHELL IS IT ABT?
booboises.. i thought that had something to do with boobs.
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