Saturday, June 24, 2006


From the plant called Erythroxylon coca, cocaine is a local anesthetic and central nervous system stimulant. It can be taken by chewing on coca leaves, smoked, inhaled ("snorted") or injected.

A dose of between 25 to 150 mg of cocaine is taken when it is inhaled. Within a few seconds to a few minutes after it is taken, cocaine can cause:

1) a feeling of euphoria
2) excitement
3) reduced hunger
4) a feeling of strength

After this "high" which lasts about one hour, users of cocaine may "crash" into a period of depression. This crash causes cocaine users to seek more cocaine to get out of this depression and results in addiction. Withdrawal from cocaine can cause the addict to feel depressed, anxious, and paranoid. The addict may then go into a period of exhaustion and they may sleep for a very long time.
Various doses of cocaine can also produce neurological and behavioral problems like:

1) dizziness
2) headache
3) movement problems
4) anxiety
5) insomnia
6) depression
7) hallucinations



Faustus said...

Is smoking and drinking allowed?

the [R]etard said...

i stole a W for you from the library... if you turn it upside down it looks like an M

Xiamaze said...

smoking is very bad for health...drinking to a certain limit is ok...its actually good for health but not too much...
its not the question of being allowed or not its just that you should know better and say no to things which are bad for you....
YAWWWN....i'm tired.

ps: thanx priyasha....

Rajasee Ray said...

what w? where? when? why? wuh....

Xiamaze said...

you know those plastic letters which are stuck on the shelves according to the last names of authors....i found an "M"...but i lost told priyasha to steal another one for me but she cudnt get an "M" she found a "W" and she said dat if i wud turn it upside down then it wud become an "M"......

ps: priyasha i found my "M" was in my guitar case...but i want the "W" as well...
on second thought...keep it.

Mind Mapping said...

listen....shut up.

Anonymous said...


the [R]etard said...

the W is waiting for you... i dont want it...

Anonymous said...

phull fledged research huhhhhh???.....chinese ppl are stupid!