Friday, June 09, 2006

TOE NAILS AND other little secrets.

I never painted my toe nails red.
and I dont think ever will even though I may feel like.
I feel satisfied after indulging myself in weird activities.
Then again, what's so weird about painting toe nails red?
Weird or not, I'm never going to do it so why talk about it at all?
Because I have a feeling that when I die its going to be
one of the things that I will regret not doing.


Rajasee Ray said...

painting ur toenails red....?
uhhh.... i dont think so.
suppose u did and the next moment u died?
ud have to b cremated with red toenails...
is that how you want the world to remember you?

Mind Mapping said...

plus i guess its easier to die with that small regret than live the remaining days of your life feeling a horrible tinge whenever someone ends up asking you as to whether or not you've ever painted your toe nails red.
And you will find that people invariably end up asking that question after you've done that even though they had never asked something like this before.
And you know that this is true and will happen because from experience, we know that we are not very lucky

Unknown said...

i painted my toenails red once. bright red.

Unknown said...

hmm, come to think of it. I've painted them red many times.
i like a dark wine red the most.

Unknown said...

but i dont like red nails.

Xiamaze said...

you dont have to.