Friday, August 11, 2006

A Blusear Mi Vida

I pushed open the curiously dusty doors of the pub and walked in. I chose a corner seat, one that had a table with it and a soft padded armchair.There were few poeple there, most of them too drunk to even stand up straight but they were all quiet. The waiter , a young boy in black came up and didnt ask me whether i wanted "the usual" or not. In fact he never asked me anything. I ordered a scotch, he went to the bar ,fixed it and handed it to me in a small crystal glass. The air was smoky . I lit a cigarette. There was a band playing softly in a corner of the dance floor.
It was some unknown blues - jazz band. The guy in front played the saxophone accompanied by a guitarist and the piano. The drums were being played with a brush to produce the muted and choked effect of percussion.
It was beautiful music. There was noone there in that room who was known to me yet i felt a sense of comfort that i never felt at home. I always dreamt of being chased by someone and that chase would always lead me away from my house...not that i would have stayed there anyway. So i sat in the pub whose name i had not seen when i came in just beacause. I sat there and i thought about the days and nights i had spent trying to achieve something that ultimately has no value or maybe it does and i am just stupid. Everyone will be forgotten one day even if you dont want to be forgotten. So why bother trying to make yourself known by communicating. So i sat silently although i wasnt drunk and i thought about nothing because i wanted to store this sensation of undefinable comfort for sometime. I closed my eyes and tried to hum a familiar song the band was playing, maybe it was "hey joe" or it could have been "stand by me"....but i wasnt sure so i left the place. i hate it when that happens,when i am not sure of myself. Thats why i dont believe in fate as i'm not comfortable with the fact that i'm not in control of my actions in future...
I went back home and fell asleep and dreamt of being chased away from my house .


Mind Mapping said...


keep in mind that most people are not in a learn new language phase as you.


what the hell does the title mean?
and is it portuguese or spanish?


you have started posting personal things on your blog..
the last few ones have been very personal.They say exactly what you feel.Subtly.

Xiamaze said...

if thats supposed to be a complement then thank you.

and its spanish.

Xiamaze said...

it means "a little blues in my life"

Mind Mapping said...

i likes the phrase..
both while considering the meaning and just like that also..

the [R]etard said...

i can almost hear charlie parker :)

and yes... this is very personal and very beautiful

"I sat there and i thought about the days and nights i had spent trying to achieve something that ultimately has no value or maybe it does and i am just stupid."
this makes sense... in a strange way

Anonymous said...

I like this too...

Rajasee Ray said...

i like the mood. and the title, of course.

and i like the last line.