Monday, December 01, 2008

All That Jazz

I'm all Jazz again.

I often say, "Jazz is like a Sedimentary Rock. It has layers. Every-time I listen to Jazz, I discover a new layer. That's why it never fades away, it leaves a mark, like them fossils on the Sedimentary Rocks."

Listen to Jazz.
I listen to Jazz.

Song: Hey Nineteen
Artist: Steely Dan 


Sambit said...

this is the version i saw.

and ive been listening to it over-and-over again.
you have to give me some of these, man.
you talk about em so much.

p.s.: and i quote.
michael, what was it you were trying to say to jim backstage?

and then they spoke..

Xiamaze said...

you mean give you jazz?

Sambit said...


Doubletake, Doublethink. said...

true, that. the stuff about jazz having layers. of all the music i've heard it's probably the kind that surprises me a little every time i listen to it again.

also, steely dan.